Author: brendafreed
Solid Ground by Brenda Freed
Train I’m On by Brenda Freed and JB Braden

Seek the Truth
I think it is the responsibility of every American to participate in our democratic system of government. Participation means voting in all elections for which we are eligible, having some basic understanding how our government works, reading and watching several different news sources, and seeking the truth about what is happening so we can be informed voters.
It is December 18, 2018. As I write this, most mainstream media sources are reporting on several investigations within the Trump administration now underway. As I listen to the various news sources from cable news to network news to the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), and read major print news sources, it is not surprising why Americans are so divided. Last night while I was driving home listening to cable news on Sirius XM, I heard one thing on two channels being reported and the complete opposite being reported on the same subject on another channel! Later that night, I heard the same reporting as the first two cable channels on a network channel. I’m inclined not to believe the one channel that was contradicting everyone else. Or, is the lone channel the one telling the truth and the three other channels are lying? I decided the one channel must be lying. I can’t even believe I am writing this. But it’s true. Lies are reported as truth. I am seeking the truth and seeking to understand people who do not think and believe the way I do, so, I remain open to listening to all sides of the issues.
If the United States is ever to get out of this divisive political mess, we need to know the truth and where to find it.
This is a busy world. People are scrambling to make a living, take care of their loved ones and pursue their dreams. One does not always have time to seek out the various news sources to learn the truth. So, 24/7 cable news channels are quite convenient for that. However, I think cable news is partly the cause of much fake news. People make things up to take up time. Experts are called in to speculate on what could happen if this or that happens. It’s nice to have a news source where one can rely on hearing both sides of the issues, without the representatives of those sides arguing and interrupting each other. It’s nice to be able to make up my own mind on the issues. I have found I get those opportunities on network news channels and PBS stations. When it comes to television, for unbiased reporting, I turn specifically to the PBS NewsHour. In Central Texas, one can catch the PBS NewsHour on two television stations at two different times for our convenience: 6:00pm – 7:00pm on one PBS station, and 7:00pm-8:00pm on another.
I encourage people to seek out their own PBS stations in your own areas. It’s FREE. One does not need cable to access it. Plus, other PBS programming is educational while being entertaining, and can broaden one’s view of the world. Programs in all areas of interest are presented. For example, there are history, travel, music, nature & wildlife programs, as well as news programs. Programs for kids, adults, and the whole family! And, best of all, there are no commercials! NO COMMERCIALS!!!!
So, if you’ve been rushing around and you want to learn the most accurate account of what’s been happening, I think PBS is the source for straight up information on which you can form intelligent opinions. I will always listen or watch the various stations in between NewsHour programs, but it’s PBS that helps me find the truth and feel like I can vote from an informed position.
Given my enthusiasm for the PBS NewsHour, you can imagine how pleased I was last year to meet Judy Woodruff, the anchor for the PBS NewsHour at an event in Des Moines, Iowa. She told the audience we have to be diligent in seeking the truth. I’m doing my best.
In 2015, I also met Judy’s former co-anchor, Gwen Ifill, in Austin, TX about a year before she died. So yeah, I’m a fan of the PBS NewsHour ( )
Check it out and let me know what you think. No matter what you think, always seek the truth by finding a place where both sides are presented rationally and in a civil manner.

What I Think
I think it’s cool to be learning to maintain my own website, thanks to www.JennyReynoldsCopyandDesign. Jenny designed this website for me and has taught me how to maintain it. I am so grateful. I’m just getting started, but this blog will be used to share what I think about a lot of different topics in which I am interested, and about which I have something to say or share. So, welcome to my “What I Think” blog!